Khamis, 25 Ogos 2011




Posted: 25 Aug 2011 09:34 PM PDT

 Apabila membaca laporan tentang apa yang berlaku di negara kita ini rasa seperti tidak percaya pun ada...bagaimana kalau terjadi pada kita..atau saudara mara kita?


RANTAU PANJANG, 25 Ogos: Seorang armalah bagaikan bermimpi apabila rumahnya di sini tiba-tiba diserbu sekumpulan lelaki bersenjata kira-kira jam 8.30 pagi semalam.

Pintu rumahnya ditendang kumpulan lelaki terbabit yang datang tanpa diundang.
Lebih parah lagi dakwa Noraisiah Che Ghani, 40 salah seorang lelaki bertopeng lengkap bersenjata itu menendang di bahagian perutnya sehingga terduduk.

"Kesannya saya mengalami sakit di bahagian pinggang dan perut sehingga sekarang. Ketika kejadian saya sedang tidur di ruang tamu tiba-tiba terperanjat mendengar bunyi kenderaan yang kuat di halaman rumah.
"Sebaik sahaja bangun dua anggota polis bertopeng menendang pintu rumah dan tendangan terkena perut sehingga saya terduduk.

"Sampai hari ini saya tidak boleh duduk lama kerana sakit di bahagian pinggang dan perut," ujarnya berniaga sayur di Pasar Rantau Panjang.

Armalah kepada tiga anak yang berusia antara sembilan dan setahun setengah itu pada mulanya panik tidak tahu apa punca kedatangan lelaki bertopeng lengkap bersenjata.

Ujar beliau tanpa memberitahu apa sebab kedatangan mereka terus bertindak.
"Selepas lama mengeledah kemudian salah seorang anggota polis terbabit memohon maaf di atas kesilapan mereka, lalu meninggalkan rumah saya.

"Seorang anggota polis pada awalnya mendakwa kononnya saya terlibat menyeludup senjata api," katanya yang masih tidak dapat melupakan peristiwa berkenaan ketika ditemui di rumahnya hari ini.
Ketika kejadian turut berada di rumahnya tiga anaknya, emak yang cacat penglihatan, dua adik beradiknya.

Kumpulan bersenjata itu menyelongkar segenap ruang di dalam rumahnya hampir dua jam sebelum beredar tanpa menemui sebarang barangan disyaki.
Mencerita lanjut saat-saat mencemas itu Noraisiah memberitahu beliau kemudian ditawarkan sejumlah  bayaran sebagai kos perubatan bagi menutup kes tersebut ketika datang membuat laporan polis di Balai Polis Rantau Panjang.

Menurut beliau adiknya Numi Che Ghani juga turut ditawarkan sejumlah bayaran yang sama.
Serbuan itu juga turut menjadikan adik iparnya Sopian Sautar, 31 sebagai mangsa apabila dipaksa meminum air empat botol kerana disyaki penagih dadah ketika datang menemankan Norasiah di Balai Polis.

"Pada mulanya saya enggan sebab saya berpuasa, tetapi saya dipaksa juga minum empat botol air kosong dalam botol besar selepas ujian kali pertama didapati saya negatif sebarang dadah," ujarnya.

Menurut Norasiah selepas kejadian kira-kira jam 11 pagi beliau ke klinik berhampiran rumahnya untuk mendapatkan rawatan dan kira-kira 11 malam pula membuat laporan polis.

Sementara itu anggota Parlimen Rantau Panjang, Siti Zailah Mohd Yusof berharap kerajaan dan pihak polis bertanggungjawab ke atas mangsa yang ditendang sekumpulan lelaki bersenjata alasan disyaki sebagai penyeludup senjata.

"Kita minta kerajaan dan pasukan polis bertanggungjawab terhadap apa yang berlaku. Mereka juga meninggalkan mangsa begitu sahaja tanpa membantunya membawa ke hospital biar pun tercedera," katanya ketika menziarahi mangsa di rumahnya di sini.

Siti Zailah yang juga Ketua Dewan Muslimat PAS Pusat turut melahirkan rasa hairan apabila salinan laporan polis yang diterima mangsa tidak sama dengan apa yang dilapor semalam.

"Dalam laporan itu, mangsa memberitahu anggota polis yang bertopeng menyerbu rumahnya dengan diacu senjata seramai hampir 20 orang, tetapi dalam laporan yang diberi kepada pengadu hanya dua orang sahaja," katanya.

Pakatan Rakyat

Pakatan Rakyat


Posted: 25 Aug 2011 03:30 PM PDT

Ekoran itu, kerajaan Umno/BN telah menarik kembali pemberian subsidi gula bernilai RM116 juta dan rakyat disuruh kurangkan makan gula kerana pengidap diabetics dalam negara semakin meningkat!

Rakyat disuruh merubah gaya hidup - tetapi Najib lupa nak nasihatkan isterinya sendiri si Rosmah yang sakan berbelanja mewah beli cincin berlian dan gelang tangan yang nilainya puluhan juta RM.Bertuahnya Rosmah mendapat peruntukan dari suaminya, RM111 juta 'Permata' yang dikendalikan olehnya.

Ini semua gara-gara kerana kononnya kerajaan tidak mampu menampung kos subsidi yang semakin meningkat.Dan penarikan subsidi ini menyebabkan harga gula dan barangan lain keperluan rakyat kini menggila naik!Kenaikan tarif letrik bukan sahaja melibatkan kenaikan bil penggunaan tetapi juga melibatkan kenaikan kos pengeluaran barangan pengguna. Begitu juga dengan kenaikan harga diesel akibat penarikan subsidi baru-baru ini.

Tetapi dengan tidak semena-mena, tanpa perbincangan dan kelulusan di Parlimen, Najib telah meluluskan RM1.4 bilion bantuan kebajikan masyarakat melalui Program Kebajikan Rakyat 1Malaysia (KAR1SMA) tahun ini. Ah – satu lagi projek tergesa-gesa Najib menggula-gulakan rakyat agar rakyat jadi gila-gila menyokong rejim Najib! Pertanda PRU-13 sudah semakin hampir!

Bukan main hebuh lagi pegumuman tersebut dibuat!Tapi apalah sangat jumlah RM1.4 billion itu dibandingkan dengan peruntukan RM19 bilion setahun kepada syarikat IPP seperti YTL Corporation Berhad, Malakoff Corporation Berhad dan Genting Sanyen? Tapi yang peliknya,tarif elektrik di negara kita makin meningkat. Bukankah tujuan pemberian subsidi itu untuk mengurangkan beban rakyat?

Apakah rasionalnya pemberian RM1.4 bilion subsidi ini? Adakah untuk kepentingan negara atau bagi kepentingan survival Umno/BN?

Kalau benar sebagaimana kata Najib bahawa langkah itu kerana mahu menegakkan keadilan sosial dalam negara,kerajaan sepatutnya

* Luluskan tuntutan CUEPACS dan MTUC gaji minimum RM900 sebulan
* Hentikan projek pembaziran RM5 bilion Menara Warisan 100 tingkat.
* Hentikan subsidi untuk penjana kuasa bebas sebanyak RM19 bilion
* dan lain-lain...


Posted: 25 Aug 2011 03:24 PM PDT

Pasukan peguam Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim mendedahkan bahawa bukti yang dibawa ke mahkamah oleh pendakwa dalam kes Fitnah II sebenarnya tidak lengkap dan diubah suai, lapor KD.

Hal ini diketahui melalui saksi kelima peguam bela, iaitu pakar molekul genetik, Dr Brian McDonalds dari Australia.

Dr McDonalds dalam keterangannya memberitahu mahkamah, calitan kapas yang diambil dari tubuh pengadu, Sayfool sepatutnya terus diletakkan di atas slaid kaca dan diteliti di bawah mikroskop selain disimpan di dalam botol plastik oleh pegawai penyiasat.

Penelitian di bawah mikroskop itu menurut Dr McDonalds, membolehkan doktor atau saintis mengetahui terus sama ada calitan yang diambil itu merupakan calitan air mani atau pun tidak.

Tindakan pegawai penyiasat, Jude Pereira menyimpan sampel itu di pejabatnya selama dua hari pada suhu bilik juga menimbulkan keraguan kerana bukti mungkin diubah suai dan tercemar.

Peguam kepada Anwar, Sankara Nair ketika mengulas berkata, langkah itu sepatutnya dilakukan kerana langkah itu adalah prosedur biasa dalam mana-mana kes serangan seksual.

Namun, katanya, dalam kes Fitnah II ini langkah itu tidak pula dibuat.

"(Sepatutnya) boleh tengok terus, untuk tahu samada (sampel) mengandungi air mani atau tidak.

"Pada peringkat itu, ia kepunyaan siapa tidak penting kerana ia boleh diketahui kemudian.

"Di Malaysia, kita tidak lakukan perkara ini tetapi di Australia mereka buat," kata Sankara ketika ditemui di perkarangan Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur hari ini.

Dalam kenyataannya pada sebelah petang, Dr Brian MacDonalds mempertikai kandungan DNA yang tinggi dalam sampel air mani yang dianalisis Jabatan Kimia Malaysia.

Menurutnya, sampel air mani yang berada di dalam rektum seorang lelaki selama lebih 56 jam sebelum calitan air mani itu diambil dengan putik kapas sepatutnya mempunyai kandungan DNA yang sudah merosot.

(Saiful diperiksa pada 28 Jun, 2008 – selepas lebih dua hari dari masa kejadian liwat didakwa berlaku pada 26 Jun 2008).

Ditambah pula bukti disimpan selama lebih dua hari oleh pegawai penyiasat Jude Pereira di pejabatnya pada suhu bilik dan tidak disejukbekukan, sampel itu sepatutnya sudah tidak boleh digunakan kerana terdapat kemungkinan bukti sudah dicemari bakteria lain yang tumbuh, kata Dr MacDonalds.

Hal ini berlawanan dengan laporan Ahli Kimia, Dr Seah Lay Hong yang mendapati terdapat banyak DNA 'segar' sewaktu beliau menganalisis sampel dari HKL yang diserahkan Jude Pereira.

Perkara ini, kata Sankara Nair, adalah tidak tepat dan tidak masuk akal.

Hal ini meyakinkan Sankara dan pasukannya bahawa bukti itu diubah suai sebelum bukti tersebut sampai ke Jabatan Kimia untuk dianalisis.

"Kerana itu kami katakan ia (mungkin) diubah suai. Bagaimana ia diubah suai, kami tidak tahu tetapi kami yakin ia diubah suai.

"(Lebih meragukan), Dr Seah sendiri sewaktu memberikan keterangan dahulu enggan memberikan penjelasan terperinci bagaimana beliau menganalisa sampel itu.

"Beliau juga enggan menerangkan bagaimana kit ujian yang digunakan," kata Sankara.

Blog Rasmi Unit Amal Indera Mahkota

Blog Rasmi Unit Amal Indera Mahkota

Clean Up the World

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 03:45 AM PDT

Salam Semua, Satu Program 'Clean Up The World Malaysia 2011' atau 'Hari Pembersihan Bumi Malaysia 2011' Peringkat Kebangsaan akan dianjurkan di Sg.Ular Dan Balok Kuantan pada 17 & 18hb September 2011 oleh Lajnah Alam Sekitar PAS Malaysia dan Lajnah Perumahan, Pengguna dan Alam Sekitar PAS Pahang sempena sambutan Clean Up The World Sedunia 2011. Pelbagai aktiviti pemuliharaan Alam Sekitar, Ceramah Perdana, Makan Malam Perdana, Larian/Kayuhan Basikal Alam Sekitar, Pertandingan Mewarna Kanak-Kanak Berkonsepkan Cintai Alam Sekitar, Syair/Puisi Alam Sekitar serta Jamuan Sambutan Aidilfitri peringkat PAS Kawasan Indera Mahkota akan diadakan. Semua dijemput hadir sebagai tanda protes kepada bantahan Kilang LAMP milik LYNAS serta pencemaran Tahap II-III Sungai Balok Kuantan. Ayuh Bersihkan Alam, Hijaukan Bumi Malaysia.

Anak Muda Kampung Nak Senang

Anak Muda Kampung Nak Senang

Ibu ditikam ketika minum di Ampang Point, makin kejam

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 12:36 AM PDT

Seorang ibu kepada tiga orang anak Wini Roswita Abdullah telah ditikam oleh seorang yang tidak kenali ketika sedang menikmati kopi di sebuah kedai di Ampang Point ketika ramai orang lalu lalang hanya kerana enggan menyerahkan beg tangannya. Semakin kejam jenayah di Malaysia ketika ini. Jenayah berlaku di mana-mana, depan mata, di hadapan orang ramai. Malaysia bukan lagi negara selamat. Pendatang asing pun semakin ramai dan mudah didaftarkan.

Thursday, August 25th, 2011

Mother-of-three knifed four times by heartless handbag snatcher in full view of horrified patrons and staff

AMPANG: He came armed with a blade and evil intentions.

And when mother-of-three Wini Roswita Abdullah dared to refuse his demand to hand over her handbag, he pulled out the knife and viciously plunged it into her repeatedly in full view of the public.

­This was the terrifying scenario which faced 36-year-old Wini, who was stabbed four times by the maniac in the 10pm incident on Tuesday night.

The insurance consultant was having coffee with a female friend at the ground floor cafe in Ampang Point an hour before the attack.

Speaking to ­The Malay Mail from her bed in Ampang Puteri Hospital, Wini said she and her friend were having a conversation when they were interrupted by a stranger.

"We suddenly realised a man in his 30s, wearing a snow cap and jacket, had approached our table. In a menacing voice, he demanded I hand over my belongings," recalled Wini.

"I was stunned. I remember asking 'who are you, I don't know you and why should I give you my handbag'," she said, adding a quick glance at her friend saw her equally frozen in fear.

Wini said she instinctively reached over to shield her handbag, placed in a chair next to her, as she feared the man might grab it.

Instead, he brandished a knife from inside his jacket and plunged the blade into her back.

"I didn't know he had a knife and I wasn't facing him directly. As I was bent over my bag, I felt a blinding pain in my back and I just knew I had been stabbed."

Instead of stopping, the man continued stabbing her no less than four times in full view of shocked patrons and sta‑ff, all of whom were too stunned to react.

Wini's friend finally snapped out of her initial shock, and grabbed her own handbag and threw it at the man, who then grabbed it.

"It was only then he stopped his attack. He then snatched my handbag, which I was still gripping, and coolly left the cafe."

A passer-by, who witnessed the attack from outside the shop, gave chase. He saw the attacker clamber onto a motorcycle parked in front of the shop, followed by two more men on another bike, believed to be accomplices.

Passer-by helps knifed victim
The witness is believed to have tried to kick one of the bikes to stop them but failed. He then returned to the cafe to bring Wini to the Ampang Puteri Hospital, located five minutes away.

"Throughout the journey, I kept telling myself not to pass out. I was conscious the whole time until I was wheeled into the emergency unit," said Wini.

Doctors later told her she was lucky the knife did not hit any vital organs. One of the four stabs hit the ribcage, which left her in excruciating pain.

Reflecting on her ordeal, she said she was still reeling from the incident.

"I am just traumatised. I feel lucky to be alive as this man obviously had no mercy at all."

Wini's husband, Suhaimi Mahmood, 44, had rushed to the hospital from home upon learning about his wife's ordeal.

"I am stunned this happened in a cafe in full view of the public. You hear about snatch thieves, but nothing like this. I hope this man will be caught soon."

The couple have a boy, 10, and two girls aged five and six.

In her bag were personal documents, cash and credit cards.

Her friend subsequently lodged a police report at the Taman Dagang police station.

Ampang Jaya police chief ACP Amiruddin Jamaluddin said no arrests have been made so far.

"We will interview the victim in a few days after she recovers to get a detailed description of the perpetrator."

He said police were unable to recover CCTV images from the outlet as it did not cover the outdoor seating area.

Images not caught on camera
THE CCTV camera at the cafe where Wini Roswita Abdullah was attacked was faulty during the incident.

A café staff who witnessed the incident revealed this to The Malay Mail.

At the time, the staff was in the midst of closing for business. They only realised something amiss when they heard customers screaming from the outdoor seating area.

"All I saw was a customer sprawled on the ground with blood everywhere and I saw two motorcycles riding off," said one staff.

None of them managed to see the attacker's face.

A manager at the outlet told this reporter the CCTV system had temporarily malfunctioned during the incident.

Ketua Polis N.Sembilan kena tengok Video ini

Posted: 24 Aug 2011 11:09 PM PDT

Cakap banyak tak guna. Semakin ramai merakam aksi polis menjalankan tugas ketika ini. Antaranya ialah satu aksi di Seremban Selatan baru-baru ini. Harap Ketua Polis Negeri Sembilan dan Timbalan Ketua Polis Negara dapat mengesahkan kesahihan video ini.

Klip video tersebut pada pautan berikut

Lima tentera Malaysia jadi perompak, Panglima ATM jawab

Posted: 24 Aug 2011 05:38 PM PDT

Minggu ini kita dikejutkan dengan berita seorang askar berpangkat staf sarjan telah ditembak mati oleh sepasukan anggota polis dalam satu kes cubaan rompakan di sebuah kafe siber berhampiran ibu negara. Manakala rakannya juga seorang tentera yang cedera telah ditahan. Seterusnya polis telah menahan tiga orang lagi saspek berkaitan kes tersebut yang juga merupakan anggota tentera.

Apa sudah jadi dengan Angkatan Tentera Malaysia? Panglima ATM harus membuat kenyataan mengenai isu ini. Jangan anggap kes ini terpencil hanya 0.003 peratus yang terlibat jika diambil kira jumlah anggota tetap, simpanan dan para 170,000 orang semuanya.

Jika SPR dengan kesilapan 0.0001 peratus dalam senarai daftar pemilih hendak ditubuh Suruhanjaya Penambahbaikan, takkan ATM dengan 0.003 peratus hendak disenyapkan.

Kenapa seorang anggota tentera berpangkat staf sarjan sanggup melakukan rompakan bersenjata? Adakah pistol otomatik jenis Glock yang digunakan tentera tersebut milik ATM? Jika milik ATM bagaimana ianya boleh dibawa keluar bukan waktu bertugas, bukan waktu darurat, bukan waktu operasi, oleh seorang staf sarjan bukan seorang pegawai tentera?

Kisah sebelum ini : Polis tembak mati askar dalam cubaan merompak di

Cybercafes easy targets for robbers, say cops
Wednesday, August 24th, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR: Robberies at Internet cafés have been on the rise and police say this is mainly because of lack of security at such outlets which are also cash cows.

Brickfields police chief ACP Wan Abdul Bari Wan Abdul Khalid (pic) urged cybercafe operators to invest in security or risk being robbed frequently.

"Installing closed-circuit television could act as a deterrent and the cybercafe operators should also hire security guards," he said.

"Robbers are attracted to cybercafes because there is constant cash flow and they can also easily intimidate the female staff there."

Wan Bari also urged the cybercafe operators to co-operate with the police.

"Last Wednesday at 4pm, we received a tip-off on parangwielding robbers at a cybercafe at Jalan Lazat in Sri Petaling," he said.

"When our officers arrived, the three robbers were still inside. We surrounded all the entrances and the robbers had no choice but to surrender."

During the incident, the robbers ordered the outlet assistant, a 17-year-old boy, to stuff the cash into a bag. There were some customers at the time but they could not do anything.

"After questioning the three suspects, we arrested another two suspects a few hours later, also in Sri Petaling, and seized a Proton Satria. We believe this gang was responsible for up to 20 robberies at cybercafes and other outlets in Brickfields and other areas under our jurisdiction."

All five suspects, aged between 20 to 35 years, were from Subang, and their leader and mastermind was the 35-year-old who was found to have seven previous criminal records, including for armed robbery, causing grievious hurt, snatch thefts and drugs.

"We are looking for a sixth suspect connected to this gang," said Wan Bari.

Last Sunday morning, two robbers struck at a cybercafe in Jalan Besar, Kampung Baru Sungai Buloh. Using a Glock pistol and sickle, they stormed the cashier but they were in for a shock as there were two police officers conducting a raid there.

The robbers refused to surrender and the Glock-carrying gunman fired several shots.




My journey - Wong Hon Wai 黃漢偉

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 07:57 AM PDT

My journey - Wong Hon Wai 黃漢偉

Launching new books on folk songs

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 07:55 AM PDT


2011-08-02 15:52


1 of 3



這項由周橋公司、大將出版社聯合舉辦的新書推介活動,內容相當豐富。掀開序幕的是路人甲表演社,4位演員首先以古早年代小朋友的童謠如Lalali la tam pong、搖啊搖,搖啊搖,搖去唐山偷挽茄……及一些小遊戲,帶領出席者一步一步進入回憶的隧道。















Increase of Chinese Books in George Town State Library

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 07:47 AM PDT


2011-08-14 11:27


1 of 5



































33 years long wait for a low costs house

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 07:34 AM PDT











2010年12月,祁永海向黃漢偉求助反映母親申請廉價屋的情形後,獲得分配五條路Sri Saujana一個4萬2千令吉的3房廉價屋,而且私人發展商也許諾會在下週退還2千500令吉的頭期款。










Low cost flats for Balik Pulau

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 06:48 AM PDT

Low-cost flats are being built to solve Balik Pulau's squatter woes

GEORGETOWN: The largest parliamentary constituency on the island, which has its fair share of squatter issues, will be seeing new low-cost housing schemes coming up in the future.

State housing exco Wong Hon Wai said there were several low-cost projects in the pipeline for Balik Pulau.

He said a few developers had already approached the state government with their development proposals.

"Several developers have submitted their plans but we sent them back to the drawing board because they must solve the squatter issues in the areas they are developing to ensure no dislodgement.

"That is the condition set by the state... we want the developers to come up with better proposals to ensure that the squatter problems in their development sites are solved amicably," he said on Saturday.

Wong, however, did not reveal the exact number of low-cost housing projects Balik Pulau would be seeing or which developers would be involved.

There is a substantial number of squatter cases in the Balik Pulau parliamentary constituency that stretches from Teluk Bahang in the north to Bayan Lepas in the south.

The areas with squatter issues in Balik Pulau include Teluk Kumbar, Binjai, Kampung Perlis, Kongsi, Sungai Batu, Kuala Jalan Baru and Sungai Pinang.

The worst area is Binjai in Bayan Lepas, according to Jaafar Mahshar, assistant to Balik Pulau member of parliament Yusmadi Yusoff. There are 43 squatter families there.

Last month, Yusmadi told the press that modern high-end residential projects in Balik Pulau were threatening to destroy local villages and that properties were generally beyond the affordability of low- and middle earning locals from Balik Pulau.

Wong, during a visit to the newly-completed Desa Nipah low-cost flats off Jalan Sungai Nipah here, said the new units were a good example that the state was not only concerned with approving luxury housing projects in Balik Pulau.

"We are also working to ensure that there are low-cost housing available for the poor," he said.

The five-storey Desa Nipah flats by Belleview Group has 80 three-room units that measure 64 sq metres each.

The developer is expecting the occupancy certificate to be granted soon.

Wong said the units cost RM35,000 each and the government would be giving priority to Balik Pulau residents.

"The government's criteria for selection would also be based on the applicants' household income of below RM2,500," he said.

"But because Balik Pulau does not have many low-cost housing schemes like the other districts, we will also consider households with income slightly higher than RM2,500."

Wong added that the state would be working closely with Yusmadi and also Penang state legislative assembly speaker Datuk Abdul Halim Hussain in dealing with the squatter issue in Balik Pulau.

Meanwhile, Belleview managing director Datuk Sonny Ho, who was present, said building the Desa Nipah flats was part of the development firm's corporate social responsibility.

He said instead of following the state's requirement to build 46.5 sq metre units, Belleview went further to upgrade the units' size.

"We felt it was not right to cramp three rooms into a 46.5 sq metre unit so we took the liberty to build larger units to allow the future owners and their families to be more comfortable while sticking to the RM35,000 price.

"We also adopted a 'built-and-sell' approach with this project," he said.

Also present was Penang Island municipal councillor Gooi Seong Kin.

It was previously reported that about 15,000 people had registered for low- and medium-cost houses in Penang, and that developers here paid RM30,000 and RM40,000 in premium respectively to the state government for every low-cost and low-medium cost unit that was not built.


Berkenaan kutipan sumbangan pemaju untuk rumah kos rendah

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 06:40 AM PDT

YB Wong Hon Wai merujuk kepada kenyataan oleh Pengerusi Parti Gerakan Negeri Pulau Pinang, Datuk Dr Teng Hock Nan

10 August 2011

Kenyataan Akhbar oleh YB Wong Hon Wai – EXCO Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang (Perancang Bandar & Desa, Perumahan dan Kesenian) pada 9-8-2011 di George Town, Pulau Pinang

Saya merujuk kepada kenyataan oleh Pengerusi Parti Gerakan Negeri Pulau Pinang, Datuk Dr Teng Hock Nan yang menanyakan kepada Kerajaan Negeri berkenaan kutipan premium dari pemaju untuk rumah kos rendah.

Pada masa pemerintahan Barisan Nasional, isu-su penjualan kuota rumah kos rendah berlaku secara berleluasa di pasaran bebas di mana pemaju yang tidak dapat menyediakan rumah kos rendah membeli kuota daripada pemaju yang telah menyediakannya. Transaksi penjualan kuota berlaku antara pemaju-pemaju dan tiada kawal selia daripada Kerajaan Negeri pada masa itu. Kerajaan Negeri tidak menerima apa-apa sumbangan daripada aktiviti tersebut.

Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Negeri Pulau Pinang berpendapat aktiviti penjualan kuota rumah kos rendah ini perlu dikawalselia di samping kepentingan awam perlu dijaga. Oleh itu, kita telah menetapkan bahawa pemaju yang membeli kuota daripada pemaju lain diminta menyumbang RM40,000 (empat puluh ribu ringgit) seunit bagi perumahan kos rendah dan RM30,000 (tiga puluh ribu ringgit) seunit bagi perumahan kos sederhana rendah.

Ini adalah jauh lebih tinggi daripada yang ditetapkan oleh Kerajaan Barisan Nasional yang tidak mendapat apa-apa wang sumbangan pun. Wang sumbangan daripada pemaju ini akan dimasukkan ke dalam akaun Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang. Wang tersebut akan digunakan untuk membiayai pembinaan rumah mampu milik pada masa akan datang.

Kerajaan Negeri juga akan merangka formula baru untuk menangani aktiviti penjualan kuota rumah kos rendah antara pemaju-pemaju dan pengumuman baru akan dibuat pada masa yang sesuai.

Kerajaan Negeri komited terhadap pembinaan rumah mampu milik seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh kelulusan 11,596 unit rumah kos rendah dan kos sederhana rendah di bahagian Pulau dan Seberang Perai semenjak pemerintahan Pakatan Rakyat di Pulau Pinang. Ketua Menteri, YAB Lim Guan Eng juga telah membuat pengumuman terhadap pembinaan rumah mampu milik di Batu Kawan di atas tanah Perbadanan Pembangunan Pulau Pinang (PDC) seluas 150 ekar.

As reported in Malaysiakini

傍晚 6点41分














Penang moves to curb low-cost homes quota-selling

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 06:40 AM PDT

Penang moves to curb low-cost homes quota-selling
Posted on 9 August 2011 - 09:39pm

Himanshu Bhatt

A mugshot of Wong

GEORGE TOWN (Aug 9, 2011): Developers in Penang who "buy" any portion of their required quota for low-cost and low-medium cost housing from other developers must contribute to the state government for every such unit they obtain.

The state government has fixed RM40,000 and RM30,000 respectively for every low-cost and low-medium cost transacted in such a manner as contribution to the state's coffers.

State Housing Committee chairman Wong Hon Wai said the move is necessary as the state had found such quota-selling occurring actively in the market without any control.

"The contributions from the developers will be deposited into the Penang state government's account," he said in a statement today.

"The money will be used bear the costs for building affordable housing in the future," he added.

Wong said this in response to a question posed by Penang Gerakan chief Datuk Dr Teng Hock Nan, who is also Penang BN Working Committee chairman, on whether the state was collecting premium from developers for not building low-cost houses.

Wong replied that the new contribution rate imposed by the current Pakatan Rakyat state government is far higher than any amount fixed by the previous BN state administration on such developers.

"During the BN's rule, quota-selling for low-cost houses was rampant in the free market where developers who had not prepared low-cost houses bought their quota from developers who had," Wong said.

He said the previous state government neither exerted any control over the quota transactions nor received any contributions from the activities.

Wong said the current state government will also devise a new formula to clamp down further on quota selling between developers, and an announcement on this matter will be made in the future.

He added that the state has approved 11,596 low-cost and low-medium cost units under the Pakatan administration since March 2008.
It is also in the process of developing a new social housing project on a 60ha land belonging to the Penang Development Corporation (PDC) in Batu Kawan on the


YB Wong Hon Wai merujuk kepada kenyataan oleh Pengerusi Parti Gerakan Negeri Pulau Pinang, Datuk Dr Teng Hock Nan

10 August 2011

Kenyataan Akhbar oleh YB Wong Hon Wai – EXCO Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang (Perancang Bandar & Desa, Perumahan dan Kesenian) pada 9-8-2011 di George Town, Pulau Pinang

Saya merujuk kepada kenyataan oleh Pengerusi Parti Gerakan Negeri Pulau Pinang, Datuk Dr Teng Hock Nan yang menanyakan kepada Kerajaan Negeri berkenaan kutipan premium dari pemaju untuk rumah kos rendah.

Pada masa pemerintahan Barisan Nasional, isu-su penjualan kuota rumah kos rendah berlaku secara berleluasa di pasaran bebas di mana pemaju yang tidak dapat menyediakan rumah kos rendah membeli kuota daripada pemaju yang telah menyediakannya. Transaksi penjualan kuota berlaku antara pemaju-pemaju dan tiada kawal selia daripada Kerajaan Negeri pada masa itu. Kerajaan Negeri tidak menerima apa-apa sumbangan daripada aktiviti tersebut.

Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Negeri Pulau Pinang berpendapat aktiviti penjualan kuota rumah kos rendah ini perlu dikawalselia di samping kepentingan awam perlu dijaga. Oleh itu, kita telah menetapkan bahawa pemaju yang membeli kuota daripada pemaju lain diminta menyumbang RM40,000 (empat puluh ribu ringgit) seunit bagi perumahan kos rendah dan RM30,000 (tiga puluh ribu ringgit) seunit bagi perumahan kos sederhana rendah.

Ini adalah jauh lebih tinggi daripada yang ditetapkan oleh Kerajaan Barisan Nasional yang tidak mendapat apa-apa wang sumbangan pun. Wang sumbangan daripada pemaju ini akan dimasukkan ke dalam akaun Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang. Wang tersebut akan digunakan untuk membiayai pembinaan rumah mampu milik pada masa akan datang.

Kerajaan Negeri juga akan merangka formula baru untuk menangani aktiviti penjualan kuota rumah kos rendah antara pemaju-pemaju dan pengumuman baru akan dibuat pada masa yang sesuai.

Kerajaan Negeri komited terhadap pembinaan rumah mampu milik seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh kelulusan 11,596 unit rumah kos rendah dan kos sederhana rendah di bahagian Pulau dan Seberang Perai semenjak pemerintahan Pakatan Rakyat di Pulau Pinang. Ketua Menteri, YAB Lim Guan Eng juga telah membuat pengumuman terhadap pembinaan rumah mampu milik di Batu Kawan di atas tanah Perbadanan Pembangunan Pulau Pinang (PDC) seluas 150 ekar

Interview on Rifle Range Flats

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 06:20 AM PDT

The key to winning Bukit Bendera

RIFLE Range residents may be an ageing population but they have been — and will remain — the 'kingmakers' of the Bukit Bendera parliamentary constituency in Penang.

With a high concentration of some 13,720 voters in the Kebun Bunga state constituency, the nine blocks of 17- and 18-storey flats are seen to be the pulse of Bukit Bendera.

The veterans: Rifle Range remains one of the most densely populated housing developments in Penang with most of its population comprising senior citizens.

Hence, Phak Cheng Por as the locals would have it called, never fails to attract the attention of politicians on both sides of the divide.

Indeed, the huge chunk of voters may well determine the fate of any aspiring politician, especially in a nail-biting electoral battle.

And keeping the residents happy can help to swing the votes and result in a thumping win for the hopeful MP.

While the Federal Government has pledged to improve the water pressure at Rifle Range flats — a nagging issue faced by the residents — the state authorities have announced plans to repaint the buildings at an estimated cost of RM2.7mil, of which 80% would be borne by the Penang Development Corporation.

Initially, Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng had said the balance of 20% would have to be paid by the residents themselves, but that was before two anonymous donors contributed a total of RM200,000 to the project.

Repainting the blocks is slated to start in the next six months with a linear park in the planning.

The private sector has also chipped in to help improve the living conditions there. Recently, the old basketball court was upgraded at a cost of RM40,000, courtesy of Dell and another anonymous donor.

Elaborating on the state government's plans, Penang Town and Country Planning, Housing and Arts Committee chairman Wong Hon Wai said the immediate priority was to fix the basic facilities — things that go unnoticed unless you are a Rifle Range resident.

Top on the list is to replace the sewerage and water piping system and lifts.

"Just the pipes will cost more than RM1mil. We are doing this in stages," he said.
Residents' major grouse are the faulty lifts.
Rubbish strewn along the common areas a usual sight.
Cars parked haphazardly at Rifle Range flats.

As it is, there are no immediate plans to demolish the blocks which consultant architects have reportedly said were still rock solid.

Furthermore, most of the units are now privately owned.

Through the years, the living conditions in Rifle Range have deteriorated and the place has been unfairly dismissed as a slum.

It was under the late Penang Chief Minister Tan Sri Wong Pow Nee that the development took shape.

Rifle Range was a crucial housing project at the time, especially for workers of the nearby textile factory.

The rental was cheap and the location convenient but today, cleanliness is a problem.

Another headache facing the state are some 100 dilapidated, abandoned units.

The state government has refurbished half of the abandoned units for the relocation of squatters from other areas but there are some 50-odd units left to spruce up.

The ageing population is also a problem.

Rifle Range is still one of the most densely populated low-cost housing developments in the state but most who live there are senior citizens.

Indeed, the Rifle Range project has left an important legacy for the current administration.

You can build public housing anywhere but good public transportation, convenient amenities and job opportunities are a must.

"Rifle Range has all that. The common areas may have deteriorated but it is not a slum. People say parking is a problem but I disagree.

"If you come at night, when most residents are home, you will see that the car park is not full," he added

368 cheap homes for south Seberang Prai folk

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 06:15 AM PDT

Saturday August 6, 2011
368 cheap homes for south Seberang Prai folk

NIBONG TEBAL: A total of 368 low-cost and low medium-cost houses are being built at Taman Sungai Duri Permai near here for the people in south Seberang Prai district.

They comprise 224 units of low-cost terrace, 114 units of low medium-cost terrace and 30 units of low medium-cost semi-detached houses. The low-cost units are built in townhouse style, with two units occupying each double-storey townhouse.

The houses, under the Penang government's privatised housing programme, are expected to be completed by the end of October, said state Housing, Urban and Town Planning Committee chairman Wong Hon Wai.

Wong said the low-cost units are priced at RM38,000, low medium-cost units at between RM80,000 and RM104,760 while the semi-detached units are priced between RM90,000 and RM112,200.

"The Pakatan Rakyat state government will continue to approve and build low and medium-cost houses to meet the needs and demands of the people in the state.

"It is our commitment to provide sufficient affordable homes for the poor and the middle income group," Wong said after visiting the RM28mil project undertaken by Asas Dunia Bhd in Sungai Duri yesterday.

He said only those whose monthly income was below RM2,500 were eligible to apply for the houses through the state housing department or their assemblyman.

Wong said the state had approved low and medium-cost housing projects in all five districts in the state under its privatised housing programme but could not provide details on the number of projects approved.

He said some developers had yet to start their projects due to factors like squatter problems and ground works.

As reported in Sinar Harian
Inisiatif ringan beban rakyat

SUNGAI DURI – Bagi meringankan beban rakyat terutamanya yang menetap di Pulau Pinang, Kerajaan Negeri mengambil inisiatif dengan meluluskan lebih 10,000 rumah jenis kos rendah di sekitar kawasan Seberang Perai.

Exco Perancangan Bandar dan Desa, Perumahan dan Kesenian, Wong Hon Wai berkata, pelaksanaan itu sekali gus bertujuan menepis tohmahan daripada pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap pentadbiran Kerajaan Negeri yang tidak membantu rakyat untuk memiliki rumah.

"Melalui polisi Kerajaan Negeri juga, pihak kita meminta pemaju swasta melaksanakan projek perumahan terbabit dengan syarat yang ditetapkan dan mengawal harga bagi setiap pembelian rumah," katanya ketika ditemui semasa mengadakan lawatan pembinaan rumah kos rendah di Taman Sungai Duri Permai, semalam.

Projek perumahan kos rendah di Taman Sungai Duri Permai dijangka siap sepenuhnya pada penghujung tahun ini.

"Penduduk yang ingin memiliki rumah ini boleh mendapat maklumat lanjut daripada Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Sungai Bakap; Makhtar Shapee, ADUN Jawi; Tan Beng Huat dan Ahli Majlis Perbandaran Seberang Perai (MPSP).

"Meskipun terdapat persepsi rumah kos rendah adalah kurang bagus, tetapi Kerajaan Negeri sentiasa memastikan agar rumah yang dibina itu mempunyai kualiti sejajar dengan polisi Kerajaan Negeri.

"Oleh hal demikian, Kerajaan Negeri bukan sahaja memenuhi kuota, tetapi turut mementingkan kualiti bagi setiap rumah yang dibina.

Hadir sama pada lawatan berkenaan, Pengarah Urusan Asas Dunia Berhad; Datuk Jerry Chan, ADUN Jawi; Tan Beng Huat, Ahli Majlis MPSP; Teoh Seang Hooi dan Loh Joo Huat.

As reported in China Press

黃漢偉:落實居者有其屋 冀發展商建更多廉屋

05/08/2011 21:17




 他今早巡訪新興雙溪奴力柏邁花園(Taman Sungai Duri Permai)房屋計劃工地時,這么說。

 是項房屋計劃發展商是Asas Dunia,共計368間3款式可負擔及廉價房屋興建中。



 他說,他日前已巡訪壟尾旭陽之苑(Suria Vista)中廉價屋業計劃施工地,往后則將巡防浮羅山背類似的屋業計劃。

 Asas Dunia發展商董事經理拿督陳福星說,他希望州政府在說服發展商建中廉價屋時,也能考慮發展商立場,提供更多獎掖以減輕發展商在建中廉價屋的損額。


As reported in Kwong Wah

黄汉伟:对于中廉价房屋计划质疑破坏者 槟政府用"建设"反驳

•地方 •北马新闻 •2011-08-06 18:42 •点击数:14 •新闻由光华日报提供

■ 有关计划下,售价3万8000令吉的联排廉价屋共有224个单位。



他于周五上午,在爪夷区州议员陈明发及威省市议员罗如发的陪同下,巡视位于威南双溪鲁里的"双溪鲁里粕迈花园"中廉价屋发展计划工程后,向媒体发表谈话如此指出。有关计划是由著名房屋发展商ASAS DUNIA BHD所推行的计划,该公司董事经理拿督陈福星也在场讲解。





他也赞扬ASAS DUNIA所进行的中廉价房屋计划,符合州政府的要求,同时也属于品质优良的房屋计划。

槟政府关注贫困者 发展商给予合作







Rewired of Kampung Melayu Flats

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 06:10 AM PDT

As reported in The Star

Rewired to reduce fire risks

THE RM1.13mil rewiring works along the corridors of Block A and B of the Kampung Melayu low-cost flats in Air Itam, Penang, are now completed.

State Town and Country Planning, Housing and Arts Committee chairman Wong Hon Wai said the wiring works which included the rewiring of 496 units in Block A and changing of the electrical switch box in the units of Block A, started eight-months ago and were completed in June.

"There are however 48 units in Block A and five units of shops in the same area whose owners refused to undergo some rewiring," he said.

Wong, who is also the Air Itam assemblyman, said the owners might have recently changed or rewired their units on their own and thus, felt the move unnecessary.

"The state is concerned over the residents' welfare since the wiring has not been maintained since the units were first completed in the 1970s.
Feeling safer: Steven and his wife Santana Mary, 64, taking a closer look at the new electrical switch box in their unit at the Kampung Melayu flats

"We rewired the units in Block A first because the block was built in the early 1970s while Block B was built in the late 1970s."

Wong said the state had decided to do the rewiring for the two blocks of flats to avoid the risk of fire.

"As the number of electrical appliances increases in every household, it is important to have a safe wiring network installed," he said during the handing over of the project's maintenance work from Public Works Department to the State Secretariat Housing Department at the low-cost flats on Sunday.

Wong also said claims that the Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng had sidelined the Malays here was a lie.

"The area in Kampung Melayu consists of 75% Malay, 20% Chinese and 5% Indian. This project is an example that we have been taking care of the people's welfare.

"The state treasurer had also approved the repainting of Block A and B of the Kampung Melayu flats whereby the state will bear 80% of the cost of painting."

Private companies had banked in a sum of RM80,000 to the State Secretariat as part of their corporate social responsibility for the repainting of the flats.

Wong said the Penang Development Corporation would be providing him an implementation timeline on the repainting works in about two weeks and the repainting was scheduled to commence after Hari Raya.

Retiree Steven Joseph, 70, said the move to rewire the units in Kampung Melayu flats was a good one.

"We can now feel secure that there will be less risk of a fire due to wiring complications," he said.

Wong tells JMB members to govern well

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 06:07 AM PDT

As reported in The Star - Thursday July 21, 2011

Wong tells JMB members to govern well

ALL Joint Management Board (JMB) member should equip themselves with suitable knowledge and skills to handle issues in their respective areas.

State Town and Country Planning, Housing and Arts Committee chairman Wong Hon Wai said that JMB members should plan well as they are the 'government' of their residential areas.

"As the 'mini-government', they will have to be prepared to solve issues such as waste collection schedules, lift maintenance as well as security enforcement," he said.

He was speaking at the opening of the 'Multi-storey Building Management Seminar' for JMB members within the management area of Penang Municipal Council (MPPP) at Town Hall in Esplanade, Penang, yesterday.

During his speech, Wong also shared his experience whilst he was the secretary of a JMB, also known as the management corporation, with the seminar participants.

"It is vital for JMB members to be able to listen and weigh in the opinions before coming up with a decision that satisfy the majority of residents," he said.

MPPP president Patahiyah Ismai, who was also present, said she hoped the participants would be able to improve their knowledge on managment from the seminar.

She added that the seminar is held to ensure that all the JMB members are well equipped to run their respective committees.

Looking into residents’ safety - Taman Thean Teik

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 06:01 AM PDT

Trouble-shooting: Wong (seated, in white), Ang (right) and a representative from the Public Works Department (partly hidden behind Wong) together with Taman Thean Teik residents studying a map of the development project along Lebuhraya Thean Teik

As reported in The Star

THE Public Works Department (JKR) and Belleview Group will work together to come up with a solution for residents staying along Lebuhraya Thean Teik where road widening works are underway.

Representatives from JKR and Belleview met with state Housing Committee chairman Wong Hon Wai and Taman Thean Teik resi-dents to discuss issues about their safety as the back of their homes are practically adjacent to the widened road.

Businessman Richard Ooi, 55, said that apart from concerns of cars crashing into their homes, the drainage system would also be a problem.

"We are concerned that if there is no proper drainage system, our drains will not be able handle the water from a nearby river.

"Another issue is the traffic flow along the highway. There is a bottleneck at its middle (from three lanes to two lanes on either side) and this is going to cause jams," he said.

The representative from JKR said they would have a discussion with Belleview to address these issues, adding that they were confident of coming up with a 'win-win' solution.

Paul Ang, a supervisor from Belleview, said that he would inform his superiors about the situation.

Regarding the drainage problem, he said they were building an underground retention pond in the deve-lopment area.

Wong said these were legitimate complaints by the residents and they needed to be addressed.

"We hope that the JKR and Belleview will make adjustments in their plans to solve the impending problems."

On Monday, The Star highlighted the concerns of residents worried about cars crashing into their homes as well as the noise and dirt from the road works.

The underprivileged in Kampung Melayu get a Ramadan treat

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 04:47 AM PDT

As reported in The Star August 18, 2011

The underprivileged in Kampung Melayu get a Ramadan treat

ABOUT 170 single mothers, handicapped and underprivileged residents of Kampung Melayu in Penang received contributions in conjunction with the holy month of Ramadan.

The event was held during buka puasa at the low-cost flats in Kampung Melayu, attended by about 500 residents.

Of the recipients, 150 who were Muslims received hampers courtesy of the state Pusat Urus Zakat, and zakat contributions from Syarikat Manora Sdn Bhd executive chairman Datuk Abdul Rafique Karim in his own personal capacity.

The remaining 20 recipients, who were non-Muslims, received hampers from Air Itam assemblyman Wong Hon Wai.

Wong, who is state Town and Country Planning, Housing and Arts Committee chairman, said besides the contribution to the needy, his constituency also rewarded eight students in Kampung Melayu for their excellent results in studies.

The students were selected by the Kampung Melayu Village Development and Security Committee.

"We would also like to continue the tradition of having a cultural night in Kampung Melayu in conjunction with Hari Raya Aidilfitri and will be held next month," said Wong.

Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, who also attended the event, gave an RM500 allocation to the Kampung Melayu surau.

Proposal on location for telecommunication facility

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 03:39 AM PDT

As reported in Guang Min.

YB Wong Hon Wai made a proposal to mark the location of proposed telecommunication facitlity in new housing development plan. This will minimized the dispute on the setting up of telco towers.


2011-08-12 19:26



















Hannah Yeoh

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 07:32 AM PDT

Hannah Yeoh

Article in komunitikini on SJCC

Posted: 24 Aug 2011 10:54 AM PDT

Sime Darby's Subang Jaya City Centre project gets council waiver

The MPSJ monthly full board meeting was embroiled in a verbal tussle today when councillors deliberated an approval granted to the Subang Jaya City Centre project owner, Sime Darby.

Councillor Rajiv Rishyakaran noted that Subang Jaya assemblywoman Hannah Yeoh had yet to peruse the new traffic circulation plan proposed by Sime Darby when the council's One Stop Center (OSC) committee had approved it.

Sime Darby presented the plan to Yeoh two weeks ago, seeking a waiver of a condition that requires it to build a flyover in its SS16 project site, and pledged to replace it with some other traffic measures.

Yeoh, in reply, asked for a copy of the proposal and promised to give her feedback in a week.

Hence, Rishyakaran (right) cried foul that OSC should not have waived the condition from Sime Darby without Yeoh's consent.

"I hope we can withhold the decision until Yeoh studies the case," he said.

Council president, Asmawi Kasbi, however defended the move, saying that the developer had already proved that building a flyover is technically impossible on the site.

"The flyover will cross paths with the LRT extension," he said, adding that MPSJ will explore alternatives.

Rishyakaran then urged the council to take the issue seriously, as Ikram (Public Works Institute of Malaysia) has warned that traffic conditions in SS16 will deteriorate to F-class should there be unbridled development in the area.


Councillor Ismail Kamal Abdul Raman also asked the OSC to defer the approval, but Asmawi (right) finally passed it.

SJCC is a 13.75 acres integrated development with shophouses, apartments, LRT station and office blocks.

Sime Darby was initially asked to build a flyover between Persiaran Jengka and Persiaran Kemajuan and two roundabouts as the conditions imposed for the project's approval.

Talking to Komunitikini later, Rishyakaran said there was no reason for the council to have rushed in waiving the condition.

"If you exclude the condition now, you can't add on another later," he said.

"Now it's too late; we got nothing to bargain with Sime Darby already," he added.

Lim Kit Siang

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 12:18 AM PDT

Lim Kit Siang

Election Commission must spell out what are the electoral reforms based on Bersih 2.0′s Eight Demands which could be implemented immediately without waiting for PSC

Posted: 24 Aug 2011 11:50 PM PDT

The announcement by the Election Commission Chairman Tan Sri Aziz Yusof that all Malaysian registered voters residing overseas will soon be able to vote via post has reinforced the case that there are electoral reforms proposed in Bersih 2.0′s Eight Demands which could be implemented immediately, whether by way of new election by-laws or necessary [...]

MCA founder’s granddaughter lauds Guan Eng’s policies in Penang

Posted: 24 Aug 2011 10:03 PM PDT

The Malaysian Insider Aug 25, 2011 KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 25 — Lim Guan Eng received praise from an unexpected source today when the granddaughter of the MCA's first president and daughter of the country's longest-serving finance minister said the Penang chief minister should be given his due for the state's prudent management of public funds. [...]

Religious Obstacles To Malay Economic Development

Posted: 24 Aug 2011 09:33 PM PDT

By M. Bakri Musa Ramadan is a month for reflection. As we reflect we cannot avoid the depressing reality that the Muslim world is overrepresented in all categories of underdevelopment. The pat and often cited reason is the inherent incompatibility of Islam to modern development. When such an explanation is offered by non-Muslims, they can [...]

Money, money, money

Posted: 24 Aug 2011 05:33 AM PDT

— The Malaysian Insider Aug 24, 2011 AUG 24 — When all else fails; when policies flounder; when rumbling from within grows louder; when the reform agenda stutters in the face of resistance from interest groups, throw money around in the hope of hushing up the protestations. This strategy was used by Tun Abdullah Badawi [...]

Najib must guarantee reforms before polls, says Pakatan

Posted: 24 Aug 2011 05:25 AM PDT

By Shannon Teoh The Malaysian Insider Aug 24, 2011 KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 24 — The federal opposition has demanded a guarantee from Datuk Seri Najib Razak that the Election Commission (EC) will carry out electoral reforms before a general election is called. Pakatan Rakyat (PR) said today that the prime minister's insistence that the timing [...]

BN pushing the panic button

Posted: 24 Aug 2011 05:16 AM PDT

— Douglas Tan The Malaysian Insider Aug 24, 2011 AUG 24 — What a flurry in government giving we are seeing these days! Bonuses, dividends, loans, grants and scholarships and now doled out like candy by Umno, MCA and the like to the masses and their constituents. Acting more like NGOs or charities, the Barisan [...]


Posted: 24 Aug 2011 01:48 PM PDT


Bumi quota may bloat MRT project cost, say experts

Posted: 23 Aug 2011 10:37 PM PDT

MRT Bumi quota shows NEM like NEP, say Pakatan leaders

Posted: 23 Aug 2011 10:19 PM PDT
